Class 1 and Class 2 Indoor Championships 
Liberty University Indoor Track Complex
Lynchburg VA,
Mar 05, 2025  - Mar 06, 2025

Meet Attachments

Licensed to Matthes-Hopkins Track Complex - Site License
                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 3/6/2025 05:30 PM
        Class 1 and Class 2 Indoor Championships - 3/5/2025 to 3/6/2025        
                    Liberty University Indoor Track Complex                    
Girls 55 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M  7.11  2024        Tishiyah Skinner, Virginia Bearcats         
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Binns, Kaia               11 James River               7.50Q  2  7.497
  2 Willis, Kaelyn             9 Bruton                    7.50Q  1  7.500
  3 Mitchell Hairston, Ricky  12 Martinsville              7.70Q  1 
  4 Schmidt, Angie            12 Bruton                    7.71Q  2 
  5 Lee, Jayda                11 John Marshal              7.78q  2 
  6 Parsons, Savana           11 Lee                       7.81q  1 
  7 Booker, Semaj             12 Buckingham C              7.85q  1 
  8 Rinehart, Denver           9 James River               7.89q  2 
  9 Edens, Makayla            10 Lee                       7.90   2 
 10 Roadcap, Camila            9 Stuarts Draf              7.92   1 
 11 Esteban, Charlotte        10 Fort Defianc              8.09   1 
Girls 55 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M  7.11  2024        Tishiyah Skinner, Virginia Bearcats         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Willis, Kaelyn             9 Bruton                    7.49   10   
  2 Binns, Kaia               11 James River               7.50    8   
  3 Mitchell Hairston, Ricky  12 Martinsville              7.63    6   
  4 Lee, Jayda                11 John Marshal              7.64    5   
  5 Schmidt, Angie            12 Bruton                    7.68    4   
  6 Booker, Semaj             12 Buckingham C              7.71    3   
  7 Rinehart, Denver           9 James River               7.80    2   
  8 Parsons, Savana           11 Lee                       7.82    1   
Girls 300 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M 41.10  2023        Sydney Loder, Genvar HS                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Rhudy, Abigail            12 Tazewell                 42.30   3  10   
  2 Cubbage, Taylor           11 Fort Defianc             43.53   3   8   
  3 Conner, Gracen             9 Patrick Coun             43.84   2   6   
  4 Beverly, Aiden            10 Glenvar High             44.02   3   5   
  5 Butina, Baylee            11 Lee                      44.14   2   4   
  6 Rinehart, Denver           9 James River              45.03   1   3   
  7 McDonald, Kailee          11 Glenvar High             45.33   1   2   
  8 Dishner, Raelyn           10 Union High S             45.55   1   1   
  9 Bennington, Abi            9 Riverheads               45.61   2 
 10 Schmidt, Angie            12 Bruton                   45.94   3 
 11 Lee, Jayda                11 John Marshal             46.86   2 
 12 Quintero, Blanca          10 Stuarts Draf             47.28   1 
Girls 500 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M 1:16.44  2024        Abigail Rhudy, Tazewell                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Rhudy, Abigail            12 Tazewell               1:17.51   3  10   
        45.551 (45.551)  1:17.502 (31.951)
  2 Cubbage, Taylor           11 Fort Defianc           1:21.58   3   8   
        46.696 (46.696)  1:21.572 (34.876)
  3 Altizer, Leah             11 Floyd County           1:24.77   3   6   
        48.273 (48.273)  1:24.764 (36.491)
  4 Youmessi, Ameera          11 Wise Central           1:25.00   2   5   
        48.808 (48.808)  1:24.992 (36.184)
  5 Gray, Cadence             10 Floyd County           1:26.85   2   4   
        48.212 (48.212)  1:26.849 (38.637)
  6 Hall, Anna                11 Glenvar High           1:27.09   2   3   
        49.436 (49.436)  1:27.084 (37.648)
  7 Perry, Journee             9 Ridgeview Hi           1:28.37   1   2   
        47.521 (47.521)  1:28.361 (40.840)
  8 Castleberry, Abigail      10 Radford High           1:28.52   3   1   
        49.595 (49.595)  1:28.519 (38.924)
  9 Schooley, Catherine       12 Riverheads             1:29.16   2 
        50.662 (50.662)  1:29.157 (38.495)
 10 Mays, Andie               10 Riverheads             1:29.77   3 
        49.905 (49.905)  1:29.765 (39.860)
 11 Rogers, Adria              9 John Marshal           1:38.10   1 
        52.440 (52.440)  1:38.093 (45.653)
Girls 1000 Meter Run Class 2
        Meet: M 3:00.41  2022        Carly Wilkes, Glenvar HS                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Rhudy, Abigail            12 Tazewell               3:00.71   10   
        33.681 (33.681)  1:09.656 (35.975)  1:47.648 (37.992)  2:26.548 (38.900)
      3:00.701 (34.153)
  2 Lynch, Reagan             11 Floyd County           3:04.98    8   
        33.889 (33.889)  1:09.918 (36.029)  1:47.899 (37.981)  2:26.922 (39.023)
      3:04.973 (38.051)
  3 Nash, Elly                 9 Appomattox C           3:09.02    6   
        34.729 (34.729)  1:12.224 (37.495)  1:51.775 (39.551)  2:31.662 (39.887)
      3:09.017 (37.355)
  4 Hibshman, Angela          10 Stuarts Draf           3:18.09    5   
        37.341 (37.341)  1:17.376 (40.035)  1:58.668 (41.292)  2:39.931 (41.263)
      3:18.086 (38.155)
  5 Creasman, Zoey            12 Poquoson               3:20.18    4   
        35.795 (35.795)  1:14.822 (39.027)  1:57.509 (42.687)  2:41.140 (43.631)
      3:20.176 (39.036)
  6 Martin, Sadie             12 Patrick Coun           3:20.51    3   
        37.112 (37.112)  1:16.369 (39.257)  1:58.062 (41.693)  2:40.118 (42.056)
      3:20.509 (40.391)
  7 Loredo-Castillo, Valeria  12 Glenvar High           3:25.41    2   
        37.962 (37.962)  1:18.213 (40.251)  2:01.160 (42.947)  2:44.665 (43.505)
      3:25.404 (40.739)
  8 Jones, Allie               9 Lee                    3:25.70    1   
        37.964 (37.964)  1:18.534 (40.570)  2:02.065 (43.531)  2:46.110 (44.045)
      3:25.693 (39.583)
  9 Wood, Annah               12 Luray                  3:29.09  
        37.626 (37.626)  1:18.149 (40.523)  2:00.166 (42.017)  2:45.099 (44.933)
      3:29.081 (43.982)
 10 Jordan, Verity            10 Riverheads             3:32.98  
        37.395 (37.395)  1:17.753 (40.358)  2:00.829 (43.076)  2:46.817 (45.988)
      3:32.980 (46.163)
 11 Stephens, Brennen         12 Bruton                 3:45.45  
        38.671 (38.671)  1:21.164 (42.493)  2:07.892 (46.728)  2:57.169 (49.277)
      3:45.447 (48.278)
Girls 1600 Meter Run Class 2
        Meet: M 4:54.33  2022        Carly WIlkes, Glenvar HS                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Trant, Elizabeth          11 Poquoson               4:59.05   10   
        36.113 (36.113)  1:14.073 (37.960)  1:52.265 (38.192)  2:29.994 (37.729)
      3:07.273 (37.279)  3:44.832 (37.559)  4:22.287 (37.455)  4:59.042 (36.755)
  2 Beegle, Annika             9 Floyd County           5:32.43    8   
        37.496 (37.496)  1:17.595 (40.099)  2:00.679 (43.084)  2:44.960 (44.281)
      3:29.160 (44.200)  4:12.731 (43.571)  4:55.015 (42.284)  5:32.422 (37.407)
  3 Butterfield, Isabella     10 Poquoson               5:37.31    6   
        40.265 (40.265)  1:21.417 (41.152)  2:03.587 (42.170)  2:46.126 (42.539)
      3:29.799 (43.673)  4:12.910 (43.111)  4:55.597 (42.687)  5:37.304 (41.707)
  4 Martin, Sadie             12 Patrick Coun           5:37.98    5   
        39.601 (39.601)  1:19.750 (40.149)  2:02.015 (42.265)  2:45.255 (43.240)
      3:29.440 (44.185)  4:13.248 (43.808)  4:57.106 (43.858)  5:37.978 (40.872)
  5 Cruz, Camila              10 Fort Defianc           5:40.66    4   
        39.864 (39.864)  1:20.797 (40.933)  2:03.903 (43.106)  2:46.836 (42.933)
      3:30.807 (43.971)  4:16.247 (45.440)  5:01.796 (45.549)  5:40.655 (38.859)
  6 Wood, Annah               12 Luray                  5:41.72    3   
        39.541 (39.541)  1:20.144 (40.603)  2:02.491 (42.347)  2:45.914 (43.423)
      3:30.195 (44.281)  4:14.611 (44.416)  4:59.909 (45.298)  5:41.715 (41.806)
  7 Loredo-Castillo, Valeria  12 Glenvar High           5:43.33    2   
        40.635 (40.635)  1:21.769 (41.134)  2:04.356 (42.587)  2:47.863 (43.507)
      3:31.981 (44.118)  4:16.995 (45.014)  5:02.225 (45.230)  5:43.328 (41.103)
  8 Allen, Abigail            11 Floyd County           5:45.15    1   
        39.095 (39.095)  1:20.475 (41.380)  2:03.473 (42.998)  2:47.654 (44.181)
      3:32.633 (44.979)  4:18.258 (45.625)  5:02.589 (44.331)  5:45.147 (42.558)
  9 Mosby, Cora                9 Radford High           6:00.91  
        41.808 (41.808)  1:24.964 (43.156)  2:09.116 (44.152)  2:55.875 (46.759)
      3:44.203 (48.328)  4:32.127 (47.924)  5:20.295 (48.168)  6:00.904 (40.609)
 10 Jordan, Verity            10 Riverheads             6:04.50  
        40.116 (40.116)  1:21.149 (41.033)  2:04.300 (43.151)  2:48.571 (44.271)
      3:34.103 (45.532)  4:24.273 (50.170)  5:16.762 (52.489)  6:04.492 (47.730)
 11 Hamilton, Avery            9 Union High S           6:07.91  
        40.665 (40.665)  1:23.038 (42.373)  2:07.758 (44.720)  2:55.488 (47.730)
      3:45.038 (49.550)  4:34.022 (48.984)  5:23.151 (49.129)  6:07.907 (44.756)
 12 Stephens, Brennen         12 Bruton                 6:22.07  
        41.003 (41.003)  1:25.182 (44.179)  2:11.329 (46.147)  3:00.152 (48.823)
      3:49.494 (49.342)  4:40.144 (50.650)  5:31.529 (51.385)  6:22.069 (50.540)
 13 Summers, Kayleigh         11 Union High S           6:40.44  
        41.757 (41.757)  1:25.952 (44.195)  2:14.637 (48.685)  3:07.046 (52.409)
      4:00.208 (53.162)  4:53.567 (53.359)  5:48.269 (54.702)  6:40.436 (52.167)
 14 Kariuki, Tori             12 Virginia Bea           7:00.33  
        41.312 (41.312)  1:25.447 (44.135)  2:14.893 (49.446)  3:09.450 (54.557)
      4:07.819 (58.369)  5:05.055 (57.236)  6:03.612 (58.557)  7:00.329 (56.717)
Girls 3200 Meter Run Class 2
        Meet: M 11:01.02  2020        Mary Caroline Heinen, Maggie Walker      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Trant, Elizabeth          11 Poquoson              11:06.38   10   
        39.807 (39.807)  1:22.180 (42.373)  2:04.921 (42.742)  2:46.888 (41.968)
      3:29.253 (42.365)  4:11.226 (41.973)  4:52.177 (40.952)  5:33.993 (41.817)
      6:16.148 (42.155)  6:58.757 (42.609)  7:41.056 (42.299)  8:23.838 (42.783)
      9:05.442 (41.604)  9:47.198 (41.757) 10:27.583 (40.385) 11:06.378 (38.795)
  2 Beegle, Annika             9 Floyd County          12:21.56    8   
        41.336 (41.336)  1:25.505 (44.169)  2:12.181 (46.677)  2:58.026 (45.845)
      3:43.903 (45.878)  4:29.550 (45.647)  5:17.416 (47.867)  6:04.721 (47.305)
      6:53.377 (48.657)  7:42.727 (49.350)  8:33.027 (50.300)  9:22.667 (49.640)
     10:10.855 (48.188) 10:56.732 (45.878) 11:36.858 (40.127) 12:21.552 (44.694)
  3 Butterfield, Isabella     10 Poquoson              12:24.23    6   
        42.902 (42.902)  1:27.601 (44.699)  2:12.605 (45.004)  2:58.476 (45.872)
      3:44.530 (46.054)  4:30.037 (45.508)  5:17.702 (47.665)  6:04.860 (47.158)
      6:53.483 (48.624)  7:42.247 (48.764)  8:30.056 (47.809)  9:18.032 (47.977)
     10:06.526 (48.494) 10:55.006 (48.480) 11:40.822 (45.817) 12:24.225 (43.403)
  4 Martin, Madison           12 Appomattox C          12:26.56    5   
        42.661 (42.661)  1:26.937 (44.277)  2:13.043 (46.107)  2:58.155 (45.112)
      3:42.927 (44.773)  4:28.817 (45.890)  5:17.055 (48.238)  6:05.480 (48.425)
      6:55.120 (49.640)  7:44.381 (49.262)  8:34.400 (50.019)  9:23.555 (49.155)
     10:08.781 (45.227) 10:57.286 (48.505) 11:44.000 (46.714) 12:26.557 (42.558)
  5 Allen, Abigail            11 Floyd County          12:46.30    4   
        41.745 (41.745)  1:26.361 (44.617)  2:12.355 (45.994)  2:58.842 (46.488)
      3:45.222 (46.380)  4:32.558 (47.337)  5:21.672 (49.114)  6:11.483 (49.812)
      7:00.888 (49.405)  7:50.298 (49.410)  8:40.223 (49.925)  9:30.613 (50.390)
     10:20.126 (49.513) 11:09.740 (49.614) 11:59.525 (49.785) 12:46.297 (46.773)
  6 Mosby, Cora                9 Radford High          12:57.09    3   
           41.011 (41.011)          1:25.886 (44.875)          2:12.472 (46.587)
         2:59.236 (46.764)          3:45.990 (46.754)          4:33.745 (47.755)
         5:23.751 (50.007)          6:13.455 (49.704)          7:03.387 (49.933)
         7:52.593 (49.207)          8:42.407 (49.814)          9:33.518 (51.112)
        10:23.905 (50.387)         11:13.088 (49.184)         11:50.822 (37.734)
      12:57.081 (1:06.259)
  7 Willie, Emma              12 Floyd County          13:27.20    2   
        43.098 (43.098)  1:27.363 (44.265)  2:14.848 (47.485)  3:03.646 (48.798)
      3:53.261 (49.615)  4:43.338 (50.078)  5:33.812 (50.474)  6:25.267 (51.455)
      7:17.348 (52.082)  8:10.780 (53.432)  9:05.286 (54.507)  9:58.930 (53.644)
     10:52.582 (53.653) 11:46.881 (54.299) 12:40.772 (53.892) 13:27.192 (46.420)
  8 Hoerter, Ruby             12 Marion                13:37.71    1   
        42.145 (42.145)  1:28.288 (46.144)  2:15.478 (47.190)  3:04.283 (48.805)
      3:54.451 (50.168)  4:45.556 (51.105)  5:37.762 (52.207)  6:30.225 (52.463)
      7:23.871 (53.647)  8:16.907 (53.037)  9:10.967 (54.060) 10:05.448 (54.482)
     10:59.783 (54.335) 11:54.718 (54.935) 12:48.300 (53.582) 13:37.710 (49.410)
  9 Wells, Noelle             10 Union High S          13:47.61  
        42.482 (42.482)  1:29.376 (46.894)  2:18.490 (49.114)  3:09.598 (51.109)
      4:02.045 (52.447)  4:55.122 (53.078)  5:48.898 (53.777)  6:42.543 (53.645)
      7:36.372 (53.829)  8:30.710 (54.338)  9:26.378 (55.669) 10:20.647 (54.269)
     11:15.632 (54.985) 12:08.713 (53.082) 13:02.170 (53.457) 13:47.606 (45.437)
 10 Clark, Karina             12 Fort Defianc          13:48.19  
        44.500 (44.500)  1:33.023 (48.524)  2:23.696 (50.673)  3:14.683 (50.988)
      4:05.848 (51.165)  4:58.103 (52.255)  5:49.767 (51.664)  6:42.792 (53.025)
      7:36.765 (53.973)  8:31.157 (54.393)  9:26.685 (55.528) 10:20.947 (54.263)
     11:15.063 (54.117) 12:09.972 (54.909) 13:03.338 (53.367) 13:48.187 (44.849)
 11 Jenkins, Maya             10 Luray                 13:56.21  
        43.431 (43.431)  1:30.261 (46.830)  2:19.281 (49.020)  3:09.236 (49.955)
      4:00.450 (51.214)  4:52.878 (52.429)  5:46.848 (53.970)  6:41.671 (54.823)
      7:35.702 (54.032)  8:30.335 (54.633)  9:25.311 (54.977) 10:20.260 (54.949)
     11:15.358 (55.099) 12:10.797 (55.439) 13:05.263 (54.467) 13:56.208 (50.945)
 12 Woods Abdullah, Zoey       9 Tazewell              15:17.42  
           45.552 (45.552)          1:34.632 (49.080)          2:28.713 (54.082)
         3:24.911 (56.198)          4:23.247 (58.337)        5:24.230 (1:00.983)
       6:26.068 (1:01.839)        7:27.800 (1:01.732)        8:29.926 (1:02.127)
       9:33.488 (1:03.563)         10:33.078 (59.590)       11:34.971 (1:01.893)
        12:34.442 (59.472)         13:30.058 (55.617)         14:27.946 (57.888)
        15:17.412 (49.467)
 13 Cervantes, Mady           11 Bruton                15:44.78  
           46.970 (46.970)          1:37.278 (50.309)          2:32.352 (55.074)
         3:29.330 (56.978)          4:27.370 (58.040)        5:27.917 (1:00.548)
       6:28.447 (1:00.530)        7:29.972 (1:01.525)        8:32.670 (1:02.698)
       9:34.192 (1:01.523)       10:35.030 (1:00.838)       11:37.593 (1:02.564)
      12:40.410 (1:02.817)       13:42.551 (1:02.142)       14:44.918 (1:02.368)
        15:44.777 (59.859)
 14 Raydo, Julie              10 Bruton                15:57.76  
           47.666 (47.666)          1:38.623 (50.958)          2:34.946 (56.323)
         3:33.941 (58.995)        4:34.293 (1:00.353)        5:36.275 (1:01.982)
       6:38.311 (1:02.037)        7:41.848 (1:03.538)        8:44.543 (1:02.695)
       9:48.012 (1:03.469)       10:53.371 (1:05.359)       11:56.431 (1:03.060)
      12:59.587 (1:03.157)       14:02.082 (1:02.495)       15:02.583 (1:00.502)
        15:57.756 (55.173)
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles Class 2
        Meet: M  8.38  2018        Emilie Miller, Wilson Memorial              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Witt, Katelynn            10 Union High S              8.96Q  1 
  2 Kesler, Kaysen            10 Appomattox C              9.35Q  2 
  3 Butina, Baylee            11 Lee                       9.40Q  1 
  4 Rachels, Aliyah           11 Prince Edwar              9.71Q  2  9.702
  5 Mullins, Morgan           10 Ridgeview Hi              9.71q  1  9.710
  6 Currle, Lucy              11 Luray                     9.75q  2 
  7 Callo, Anna               12 Stuarts Draf              9.86q  1 
  8 Sacra, Alexis             10 Riverheads                9.99q  2 
  9 Plummer, Raegan           12 Bruton                   10.09   2 
 10 McLain, Kristina          10 Luray                    10.11   1 
 11 Evans, Jade               12 Glenvar High             10.20   2 
 12 Graffeo, Elle             10 Glenvar High             10.22   1 
 13 VanHuss, Isabella         12 Wise Central             10.68   1 
Girls 55 Meter Hurdles Class 2
        Meet: M  8.38  2018        Emilie Miller, Wilson Memorial              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Witt, Katelynn            10 Union High S              8.90   10   
  2 Butina, Baylee            11 Lee                       9.37    8   
  3 Rachels, Aliyah           11 Prince Edwar              9.40    6   
  4 Kesler, Kaysen            10 Appomattox C              9.41    5   
  5 Currle, Lucy              11 Luray                     9.57    4   
  6 Mullins, Morgan           10 Ridgeview Hi              9.60    3   
  7 Callo, Anna               12 Stuarts Draf              9.75    2   
  8 Sacra, Alexis             10 Riverheads                9.86    1   
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Class 2
        Meet: M 1:50.08              , Bruton                                  
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Bruton  'A'                                         1:51.20   2  10   
     1) Willis, Kaelyn 9                2) Plummer, Raegan 12             
     3) Curry, Lauren 11                4) Schmidt, Angie 12              
        56.060 (56.060)  1:24.301 (28.241)  1:51.200 (26.899)
  2 Glenvar High School  'A'                            1:52.23   2   8   
     1) Beverly, Aiden 10               2) Evans, Jade 12                 
     3) Graffeo, Elle 10                4) McDonald, Kailee 11            
        55.991 (55.991)  1:24.515 (28.524)  1:52.225 (27.710)
  3 Lee  'A'                                            1:53.66   2   6   
     1) Edens, Makayla 10               2) Butina, Baylee 11              
     3) Galloway, Madison 11            4) Parsons, Savana 11             
        55.947 (55.947)  1:27.058 (31.111)  1:53.652 (26.594)
  4 Fort Defiance  'A'                                  1:53.97   2   5    1:53.965
     1) Elsea, Lillian 11               2) Esteban, Charlotte 10          
     3) Brooks, Lillian 10              4) Cubbage, Taylor 11             
        58.348 (58.348)  1:27.089 (28.741)  1:53.965 (26.876)
  5 Prince Edward County High Scho  'A'                 1:53.97   2   4    1:53.969
     1) Williams, Shakeyah 12           2) Watkins, Kamani 12             
     3) Woodard, Truth 11               4) Boyd, Jayla 12                 
        58.265 (58.265)  1:26.350 (28.085)  1:53.969 (27.619)
  6 James River (Buchanan)  'A'                         1:56.29   1   3   
     1) Kitt, Rhaya 10                  2) Simmons, Jordyn 9              
     3) Rinehart, Denver 9              4) Binns, Kaia 11                 
       1:01.435 (1:01.435)          1:29.646 (28.211)          1:56.286 (26.640)
  7 Stuarts Draft  'A'                                  1:56.68   1   2   
     1) Quintero, Blanca 10             2) Roadcap, Camila 9              
     3) Hibshman, Angela 10             4) Callo, Anna 12                 
        58.191 (58.191)  1:27.602 (29.411)  1:56.675 (29.073)
  8 Poquoson  'A'                                       1:57.78   1   1   
     1) Goodson, Tinley 9               2) Groseth, Ashley 11             
     3) Jones, Ashlin 11                4) St. John, Caelyn 9             
        58.155 (58.155)  1:27.748 (29.593)  1:57.771 (30.023)
  9 Luray  'A'                                          1:57.99   1 
     1) Currle, Lucy 11                 2) McLain, Kristina 10            
     3) Viands, Zoey 12                 4) Shores, Alyson 12              
       1:00.402 (1:00.402)          1:30.081 (29.679)          1:57.985 (27.904)
 10 Tazewell  'A'                                       1:58.89   1 
     1) Miller, Sienna 11               2) Taylor, Kendyl 11              
     3) Perkins, Alexis 9               4) Keene, Leah 11                 
        59.633 (59.633)  1:30.467 (30.834)  1:58.890 (28.423)
 -- Patrick County  'A'                                      DQ   1  Broke early
     1) Wimbush, Kimora 12              2) Moore, Journey 11              
     3) Hazelwood, Lilly 12             4) Conner, Gracen 9               
        58.613 (58.613)  1:27.981 (29.368)  1:55.157 (27.176)
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Class 2
        Meet: M 4:13.68              , Brunswick High                          
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Floyd County  'A'                                   4:15.81   2  10   
     1) Altizer, Leah 11                2) Gray, Cadence 10               
     3) Bailey, Bella 11                4) Lynch, Reagan 11               
       1:03.677 (1:03.677)        2:08.977 (1:05.300)        3:15.811 (1:06.834)
         4:15.802 (59.992)
  2 Glenvar High School  'A'                            4:23.23   2   8   
     1) Hall, Anna 11                   2) McDonald, Kailee 11            
     3) Bryson, Rayya 11                4) Beverly, Aiden 10              
       1:06.985 (1:06.985)        2:13.174 (1:06.189)        3:19.414 (1:06.240)
       4:23.227 (1:03.814)
  3 Poquoson  'A'                                       4:29.84   2   6   
     1) Groseth, Ashley 11              2) Godsey, Hannah 12              
     3) Jones, Ashlin 11                4) Creasman, Zoey 12              
       1:07.565 (1:07.565)        2:15.624 (1:08.059)        3:25.009 (1:09.385)
       4:29.837 (1:04.829)
  4 Riverheads  'A'                                     4:31.04   2   5   
     1) Sacra, Alexis 10                2) Schooley, Catherine 12         
     3) Mays, Andie 10                  4) Jordan, Verity 10              
       1:08.442 (1:08.442)        2:18.107 (1:09.665)        3:25.530 (1:07.423)
       4:31.035 (1:05.505)
  5 Union High School  'A'                              4:31.60   1   4   
     1) Dishner, Raelyn 10              2) Spain, Riley 9                 
     3) Hamilton, Avery 9               4) Witt, Katelynn 10              
       1:06.674 (1:06.674)        2:16.200 (1:09.527)        3:24.962 (1:08.762)
       4:31.597 (1:06.635)
  6 Fort Defiance  'A'                                  4:31.81   2   3   
     1) Brooks, Lillian 10              2) Esteban, Charlotte 10          
     3) Bast, Violet 10                 4) Cruz, Camila 10                
       1:08.804 (1:08.804)        2:18.690 (1:09.887)        3:27.900 (1:09.210)
       4:31.804 (1:03.904)
  7 Stuarts Draft  'A'                                  4:36.00   1   2   
     1) Callo, Anna 12                  2) Quintero, Blanca 10            
     3) Roadcap, Camila 9               4) Hibshman, Angela 10            
       1:09.457 (1:09.457)        2:20.534 (1:11.078)        3:28.723 (1:08.189)
       4:35.998 (1:07.275)
  8 Lee  'A'                                            4:36.27   1   1   
     1) Britton, Julia 11               2) Jones, Allie 9                 
     3) Galloway, Madison 11            4) Parsons, Savana 11             
       1:11.652 (1:11.652)        2:19.782 (1:08.130)        3:29.779 (1:09.998)
       4:36.269 (1:06.490)
  9 Tazewell  'A'                                       4:43.71   2 
     1) Miller, Sienna 11               2) Keene, Leah 11                 
     3) Perkins, Alexis 9               4) Williams, Emma 12              
       1:10.580 (1:10.580)        2:19.487 (1:08.908)        3:30.691 (1:11.204)
       4:43.710 (1:13.019)
 10 Liberty (Bedford)  'A'                              4:46.12   1 
     1) Owens, Makayla 12               2) Grindo, Claire 11              
     3) Parker, Alexis 10               4) Carper, Chyna 12               
       1:07.048 (1:07.048)        2:16.128 (1:09.080)        3:28.344 (1:12.217)
       4:46.114 (1:17.770)
 11 Prince Edward County High Scho  'A'                 4:48.65   1 
     1) Allen, Melia 9                  2) Rachels, Aliyah 11             
     3) Watkins, Kamani 12              4) Kimbrough, Dashara 11          
       1:13.350 (1:13.350)        2:23.952 (1:10.602)        3:36.672 (1:12.720)
       4:48.647 (1:11.975)
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Class 2
        Meet: M 9:59.45              , Maggie Walker                           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Floyd County  'A'                                  10:07.41   10   
     1) Altizer, Leah 11                2) Allen, Abigail 11              
     3) Beegle, Annika 9                4) Lynch, Reagan 11               
       2:31.302 (2:31.302)        5:12.225 (2:40.923)        7:45.691 (2:33.466)
      10:07.401 (2:21.710)
  2 Poquoson  'A'                                      10:09.49    8   
     1) Groseth, Ashley 11              2) Creasman, Zoey 12              
     3) Butterfield, Isabella 10        4) Trant, Elizabeth 11            
       2:44.516 (2:44.516)        5:14.621 (2:30.105)        7:52.890 (2:38.269)
      10:09.489 (2:16.599)
  3 Glenvar High School  'A'                           10:52.93    6   
     1) Loredo-Castillo, Valeria 12     2) Adams, Rose 10                 
     3) Hall, Anna 11                   4) Bryson, Rayya 11               
       2:36.249 (2:36.249)        5:32.786 (2:56.537)        8:13.445 (2:40.659)
      10:52.921 (2:39.476)
  4 Luray  'A'                                         10:54.45    5   
     1) Jenkins, Maya 10                2) Kramer, Amalie 12              
     3) Rizek, Isabela 10               4) Wood, Annah 12                 
       2:46.092 (2:46.092)        5:35.694 (2:49.602)        8:21.347 (2:45.653)
      10:54.445 (2:33.098)
  5 Appomattox County High School  'A'                 11:12.70    4   
     1) Nash, Elly 9                    2) Thompson, Hailey 10            
     3) Goodman, Julie 11               4) Martin, Madison 12             
       3:06.626 (3:06.626)        5:33.574 (2:26.948)        8:28.834 (2:55.260)
      11:12.698 (2:43.864)
  6 Fort Defiance  'A'                                 11:14.92    3   
     1) Bast, Violet 10                 2) Conner, Madison 11             
     3) Clark, Karina 12                4) Cruz, Camila 10                
       2:47.620 (2:47.620)        5:41.749 (2:54.129)        8:42.528 (3:00.779)
      11:14.914 (2:32.386)
  7 Union High School  'A'                             11:17.10    2   
     1) Hamilton, Avery 9               2) Wells, Noelle 10               
     3) Summers, Kayleigh 11            4) Spain, Riley 9                 
       2:41.152 (2:41.152)        5:37.123 (2:55.971)        8:38.254 (3:01.131)
      11:17.096 (2:38.842)
  8 Riverheads  'A'                                    11:58.13    1   
     1) Grimm, Taylor 11                2) Ervin, Adria 9                 
     3) Fernandez, Kaylee 10            4) Massie, Cecilia 11             
       2:58.860 (2:58.860)        5:54.395 (2:55.535)        8:53.674 (2:59.279)
      11:58.124 (3:04.450)
  9 Tazewell  'A'                                      12:26.73  
     1) Miller, Sienna 11               2) Perkins, Alexis 9              
     3) Woods Abdullah, Zoey 9          4) Brooks, Katelyn 11             
       3:02.646 (3:02.646)        6:05.971 (3:03.325)        9:11.519 (3:05.548)
      12:26.722 (3:15.203)
 10 Lee  'A'                                           12:31.47  
     1) Jones, Allie 9                  2) Stafford, Ava 9                
     3) Laws, Alyssa 10                 4) Livesay, Marissa 12            
       2:43.351 (2:43.351)        6:00.319 (3:16.968)        9:17.099 (3:16.780)
      12:31.461 (3:14.362)
 11 Bruton  'A'                                        12:47.74  
     1) Stephens, Brennen 12            2) Cervantes, Mady 11             
     3) Raydo, Julie 10                 4) Gallegos, Joslyn 10            
       2:47.279 (2:47.279)        6:02.005 (3:14.726)        9:19.805 (3:17.800)
      12:47.734 (3:27.929)
Girls High Jump Class 2
        Meet: M  5-05  2015        Mara Briggs, Marion                         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Parsons, Savana           11 Lee                    5-02.00   10   
     4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02 
        O  XXO    O  XOP 
  2 Cubbage, Taylor           11 Fort Defianc           5-00.00    8   
     4-08 4-10 5-00 5-02 
        O    O   XO  XXX 
  3 Curry, Lauren             11 Bruton                 4-10.00    5.50
     4-08 4-10 5-00 
        O   XO  XXX 
  3 Booker, Taniya            12 Appomattox C           4-10.00    5.50
     4-08 4-10 5-00 
        O   XO  XXX 
  5 Kesler, Kaysen            10 Appomattox C          J4-10.00    4   
     4-08 4-10 5-00 
        O  XXO  XXX 
  6 Rachels, Aliyah           11 Prince Edwar           4-08.00    3   
     4-08 4-10 
        O  XXX 
  7 Altizer, Leah             11 Floyd County          J4-08.00    2   
     4-08 4-10 
       XO  XXX 
 -- Langston, Brooke          12 Marion                      NH  
 -- Watkins, Kamani           12 Prince Edwar                NH  
 -- McDonald, Kailee          11 Glenvar High                NH  
 -- Cain, Monae               12 John Marshal                NH  
 -- Callo, Anna               12 Stuarts Draf                NH  
 -- Brewer, Rosln             12 Floyd County                NH  
 -- Currle, Lucy              11 Luray                       NH  
 -- Fortner, Mia               9 Lee                         NH  
 -- Cline, Kayla              11 Marion                      NH  
Girls Pole Vault Class 2
        Meet: M 11-06  2022        Leah Wood, Stuarts Draft                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Callo, Anna               12 Stuarts Draf          11-00.00   10   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 11-00 11-07 
        P    P    P    P    P    P    P     O    XO   XXX 
  2 Keller, Olivia            11 Riverheads             8-00.00    8   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 8-06 
        P    O    O   XO  XXX 
  3 Torrence, Ava              9 Appomattox C           7-06.00    6   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 
        O    O    O  XXX 
  4 Quarles, Ella             11 Appomattox C          J7-06.00    5   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 
        O   XO    O  XXX 
  5 Sacra, Alexis             10 Riverheads            J7-06.00    4   
     6-06 7-00 7-06 8-00 
        P   XO  XXO  XXX 
Girls Long Jump Class 2
        Meet: M 18-07.50  2024        Makayla Nelson, Prince Edward County     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Parsons, Savana           11 Lee                   17-01.50   2  10   
      FOUL  17-01.50  FOUL  FOUL  PASS  PASS
  2 Butina, Baylee            11 Lee                   16-08.50   2   8   
      15-11.50  16-06.50  16-08.50  15-09.25  16-02  FOUL
  3 Rachels, Aliyah           11 Prince Edwar          16-03.00   2   6   
      15-08.50  FOUL  16-03  15-11  FOUL  FOUL
  4 Lee, Jayda                11 John Marshal          16-00.50   1   5   
      14-11.50  15-07  16-00.50  15-02.25  15-07.50  14-11
  5 Watkins, Kamani           12 Prince Edwar          15-10.00   2   4   
      15-10  15-05.75  FOUL  14-06  14-02.50  FOUL
  6 Langston, Brooke          12 Marion                15-09.50   2   3   
      FOUL  15-07.50  15-08.50  15-02.50  15-09.50  15-05
  7 Christian, Dezyre         12 Appomattox C         J15-09.50   2   2   
      FOUL  15-07  15-02.50  14-11.25  14-01.50  15-09.50
  8 Keene, Leah               11 Tazewell             J15-09.50   1   1   
      15-05.50  FOUL  15-02.50  FOUL  15-09.50  FOUL
  9 Cain, Monae               12 John Marshal          15-07.25   2 
      FOUL  FOUL  15-06.50  FOUL  15-07.25  FOUL
 10 Glover, Sarai             12 Appomattox C          15-00.50   1 
      14-03.50  15-00.50  14-10         
 11 Kesler, Kaysen            10 Appomattox C          14-06.50   1 
      14-04.50  14-06.50  14-06.50         
 12 Brewer, Rosln             12 Floyd County         J14-06.50   1 
      14-06.50  14-03  13-07         
 13 Elsea, Lillian            11 Fort Defianc          14-06.00   1 
      14-03.50  14-01.50  14-06         
 14 Callo, Anna               12 Stuarts Draf         J14-06.00   1 
      14-06  13-09  13-05         
Girls Triple Jump Class 2
        Meet: M 38-04.25  2015        Meredith Willis, George Washington (Wyth)
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Rachels, Aliyah           11 Prince Edwar          37-03.00   10   
      34-08.25  35-04  36-06.50  37-03  36-02.75  34-05
  2 Parsons, Savana           11 Lee                   36-04.50    8   
      33-07.25  35-09.50  35-01.50  35-09  36-04.50  36-03.75
  3 Cain, Monae               12 John Marshal          36-04.00    6   
      35-04  34-08  35-10.25  36-04  36-01  35-05
  4 Lee, Jayda                11 John Marshal          34-06.00    5   
      33-05  33-05.25  33-02.50  34-05  34-06  33-09
  5 Kesler, Kaysen            10 Appomattox C          33-00.00    4   
      30-11  33-00  32-03.25  32-00.50  31-07.25  32-09.50
  6 Chrstian, Dezyre          12 Appomattox C          32-00.50    3   
      FOUL  FOUL  32-00.50  31-09  30-09.50  31-07.25
  7 Keene, Leah               11 Tazewell              31-08.00    2   
      31-08  29-03.50  30-08  28-11  29-10  30-08
  8 Bennington, Abi            9 Riverheads            31-01.00    1   
      30-06.25  31-01  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  29-10
  9 Callo, Anna               12 Stuarts Draf          30-09.50  
      29-11.50  30-09.50  30-04.75  PASS  PASS  PASS
 10 Brewer, Rosln             12 Floyd County          30-02.00  
      FOUL  30-02  30-01         
 11 Elsea, Lillian            11 Fort Defianc          29-08.00  
      28-02.50  29-08  29-04.50         
Girls Shot Put Class 2
        Meet: M 41-05.25  2017        Leah Earnest, Auburn                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Potter, Harper            12 Union High S          37-10.50   10   
      34-09.75  36-04.50  35-10.50  35-05.50  36-06.50  37-10.50
  2 Beck, Amelia              11 Lebanon               35-01.25    8   
      33-00.50  33-09.50  32-05.25  32-08  31-07.50  35-01.25
  3 Carter, Addie             11 Lee                   34-09.00    6   
      30-09.25  32-03.50  31-10  31-00  32-07  34-09
  4 Moore, Takota              9 Stuarts Draf          33-03.50    5   
      32-11  31-04  31-07.50  28-00.50  31-01.75  33-03.50
  5 Curry, Lauren             11 Bruton                32-11.25    4   
      31-01.75  32-11.25  29-10  32-01.50  31-09  30-06.50
  6 Ruiz, Leah                 9 Fort Defianc          32-04.75    3   
      31-11  32-00.75  32-01.25  30-08  32-04.75  29-11.25
  7 Anderson-Thompson, Ni'Ca  11 Liberty (Bed          32-02.00    2   
      29-00  31-00.50  32-02  30-07  30-05.25  28-11.50
  8 Adams, Raelin              9 Radford High          31-09.25    1   
      27-02.50  30-10  30-05.25  29-06  23-01.25  31-09.25
  9 Huffman, Gretchen         10 James River           29-06.00  
      21-02.75  29-06  27-08.50  27-10.50  23-05  28-11.25
 10 Roller, MacKenzie         12 Riverheads            26-07.50  
      22-06.50  26-07.50  26-03         
 11 Crump, Nia                12 John Marshal          26-05.75  
      24-10.50  26-05.75  26-00.25         
 12 Monroe, MaLeah            12 Buckingham C          25-06.25  
      25-02.50  25-06.25  24-02         
 13 Rachels, Alivia           11 Prince Edwar          24-06.50  
      24-06.50  20-03.50  23-04.75         
Boys 55 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M  6.36  2023        Jamal Jones, Martinsville                   
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Askew, Johnie             11 Bruton                    6.60Q  2 
  2 Binns, Gavin              11 James River               6.61Q  3 
  3 Moseley, Xavier           10 Appomattox C              6.65Q  1 
  4 Tyree, Maurice            12 Buckingham C              6.68q  2 
  5 Williams, Immanuel        12 John Marshal              6.69q  3 
  6 Early, Konner             11 Lee                       6.75q  1  6.741
  7 Ferguson, Ji              10 Appomattox C              6.75q  2  6.748
  8 Baker, Hayden             12 Ridgeview Hi              6.75q  3  6.749
  9 Williams, Essiq           10 Radford High              6.77   1  6.763
 10 Sirico, Gian              12 Riverheads                6.77   2  6.765
 11 Noel, Chase               12 Tazewell                  6.79   3 
 12 Nichols, Owen             11 Liberty (Bed              6.81   2 
 13 Markley, Lucas            12 Poquoson                  6.85   3 
 14 Williams, Sterling        11 Nelson Count              6.87   1 
 15 Aghaji, Judah             10 Bruton                    6.88   3  6.873
 16 Fitzgerald, Jackson       10 Riverheads                6.88   1  6.878
 17 Pettit, Braxton           10 Page County               6.90   2 
 18 Wade, Javiar              12 Radford High              6.91   1 
 19 Butler, Dylan             10 Nelson Count              6.99   2 
 20 Deel, Jaalan              11 Ridgeview Hi              7.00   3 
Boys 55 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M  6.36  2023        Jamal Jones, Martinsville                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Askew, Johnie             11 Bruton                    6.56   10   
  2 Binns, Gavin              11 James River               6.59    8   
  3 Baker, Hayden             12 Ridgeview Hi              6.75    6   
  4 Williams, Immanuel        12 John Marshal              6.77    5   
  5 Ferguson, Ji              10 Appomattox C              6.78    4   
  6 Moseley, Xavier           10 Appomattox C              6.79    3    6.783
  7 Early, Konner             11 Lee                       6.79    2    6.784
  8 Tyree, Maurice            12 Buckingham C              6.85    1   
Boys 300 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M 35.13  2024        Baker Green, Poquoson                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Williams, Essiq           10 Radford High             36.07   3  10   
  2 Noel, Chase               12 Tazewell                 36.17   3   8   
  3 Loder, Joey               11 Glenvar High             36.26   3   6   
  4 Nicely, Landon            10 Fort Defianc             36.95   2   5   
  5 Sirico, Gian              12 Riverheads               36.97   2   4   
  6 Smith, Dashea             12 Stuarts Draf             37.07   1   3   
  7 Curry, Jayden             12 Bruton                   37.16   3   2   
  8 Askew, Johnie             11 Bruton                   37.38   2   1   
  9 Williams, Sterling        11 Nelson Count             37.47   2 
 10 Obaugh, Tyler             12 Stuarts Draf             37.53   3 
 11 Markley, Lucas            12 Poquoson                 37.54   1 
 12 Wade, Javiar              12 Radford High             38.11   1 
 13 Collie, Luke              12 Wise Central             38.18   2 
 14 Hobbs, Tyson              12 Glenvar High             38.20   1 
 15 Jackson, Azmani           10 Luray                    38.22   3 
 16 Williams, Immanuel        12 John Marshal             39.51   1 
Boys 500 Meter Dash Class 2
        Meet: M 1:07.33  2024        Keondre Dawson, Liberty (Bedford)         
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Dawson, Keondre           12 Liberty (Bed           1:06.80M  3  10   
        38.373 (38.373)  1:06.797 (28.424)
  2 Loder, Joey               11 Glenvar High           1:07.71   3   8   
        37.582 (37.582)  1:07.701 (30.119)
  3 Jackson, Azmani           10 Luray                  1:07.79   3   6   
        37.894 (37.894)  1:07.783 (29.889)
  4 Grace, Owen               12 Lee                    1:09.10   3   5    1:09.096
        39.231 (39.231)  1:09.096 (29.865)
  5 Obaugh, Tyler             12 Stuarts Draf           1:09.10   3   4    1:09.098
        38.375 (38.375)  1:09.098 (30.723)
  6 Collie, Luke              12 Wise Central           1:09.95   2   3   
        40.021 (40.021)  1:09.944 (29.923)
  7 Cochran, Jace             12 Union High S           1:10.31   2   2   
        40.594 (40.594)  1:10.301 (29.707)
  8 Anthony, Katrell          12 Stuarts Draf           1:10.33   2   1   
        40.245 (40.245)  1:10.327 (30.082)
  9 Gallegos, Josiah          12 Bruton                 1:11.48   1 
        38.880 (38.880)  1:11.473 (32.593)
 10 Hoke, Christian           12 Stuarts Draf           1:11.59   2 
        40.476 (40.476)  1:11.589 (31.113)
 11 DeMay, Dillon             10 Poquoson               1:13.22   1 
        39.053 (39.053)  1:13.214 (34.161)
 12 Goodman, Christian        11 Appomattox C           1:13.95   1 
        43.613 (43.613)  1:13.949 (30.336)
 13 Harris, Zashawn           11 John Marshal           1:14.21   1 
        42.626 (42.626)  1:14.205 (31.579)
Boys 1000 Meter Run Class 2
        Meet: M 2:34.50  2024        Quinlan Beegle, Floyd County              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Beegle, Quinlan           12 Floyd County           2:33.73M  2  10   
        30.129 (30.129)  1:01.531 (31.402)  1:33.209 (31.678)  2:04.133 (30.924)
      2:33.727 (29.594)
  2 Roberts, Evan             11 Madison Coun           2:37.45   2   8   
        31.031 (31.031)  1:02.975 (31.944)  1:35.557 (32.582)  2:06.480 (30.923)
      2:37.442 (30.962)
  3 Curry, Jayden             12 Bruton                 2:41.16   2   6   
        30.457 (30.457)  1:01.944 (31.487)  1:34.766 (32.822)  2:08.433 (33.667)
      2:41.152 (32.719)
  4 Hamilton, Bradley         10 Nottoway               2:42.65   1   5   
        32.103 (32.103)  1:04.263 (32.160)  1:38.181 (33.918)  2:11.494 (33.313)
      2:42.642 (31.148)
  5 Martin, Fisher            10 Patrick Coun           2:43.10   2   4   
        30.863 (30.863)  1:02.699 (31.836)  1:35.572 (32.873)  2:09.280 (33.708)
      2:43.091 (33.811)
  6 Spain, Landon             11 Union High S           2:43.30   1   3   
        29.990 (29.990)  1:02.133 (32.143)  1:35.616 (33.483)  2:09.824 (34.208)
      2:43.298 (33.474)
  7 Hylton, Brayden           11 Floyd County           2:43.64   1   2   
        31.860 (31.860)  1:05.079 (33.219)  1:38.719 (33.640)  2:12.464 (33.745)
      2:43.636 (31.172)
  8 Kiser, Tyler              12 Wise Central           2:44.37   2   1   
        31.810 (31.810)  1:03.952 (32.142)  1:36.844 (32.892)  2:10.796 (33.952)
      2:44.365 (33.569)
  9 Stafford, Elijah          10 Lee                    2:46.56   2 
        31.764 (31.764)  1:03.580 (31.816)  1:36.301 (32.721)  2:11.130 (34.829)
      2:46.557 (35.427)
 10 Kite, Asher               11 Page County            2:48.13   1 
        30.464 (30.464)  1:02.925 (32.461)  1:37.425 (34.500)  2:13.599 (36.174)
      2:48.130 (34.531)
 11 Basurto-Cacho, Guillermo  12 Riverheads             2:48.65   1 
        32.158 (32.158)  1:05.419 (33.261)  1:39.761 (34.342)  2:15.427 (35.666)
      2:48.641 (33.214)
 12 Mohamed, Mustafa          12 Radford High           2:49.73   2 
        31.500 (31.500)  1:03.728 (32.228)  1:38.075 (34.347)  2:14.800 (36.725)
      2:49.723 (34.923)
 13 Young, Drake              11 Tazewell               2:49.90   2 
        32.180 (32.180)  1:04.443 (32.263)  1:38.951 (34.508)  2:16.223 (37.272)
      2:49.893 (33.670)
 14 Schroeder, Hank           12 Floyd County           2:50.68   1 
        31.468 (31.468)  1:04.978 (33.510)  1:39.530 (34.552)  2:15.321 (35.791)
      2:50.680 (35.359)
 15 Williams, Brandon         11 John Marshal           2:52.61   1 
        31.846 (31.846)  1:04.559 (32.713)  1:39.135 (34.576)  2:15.698 (36.563)
      2:52.604 (36.906)
Boys 1600 Meter Run Class 2
        Meet: M 4:18.58  2024        Kovyk Chandler, Parry McCluer             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Curry, Jayden             12 Bruton                 4:20.63   10   
        31.301 (31.301)  1:03.593 (32.292)  1:37.288 (33.695)  2:12.966 (35.678)
      2:48.038 (35.072)  3:20.440 (32.402)  3:51.396 (30.956)  4:20.622 (29.226)
  2 Erchull, Mason            12 Floyd County           4:21.85    8   
        32.363 (32.363)  1:05.202 (32.839)  1:38.176 (32.974)  2:13.315 (35.139)
      2:47.695 (34.380)  3:20.168 (32.473)  3:50.816 (30.648)  4:21.846 (31.030)
  3 Roberts, Evan             11 Madison Coun           4:26.69    6   
        32.710 (32.710)  1:04.769 (32.059)  1:37.950 (33.181)  2:13.089 (35.139)
      2:47.416 (34.327)  3:21.192 (33.776)  3:53.956 (32.764)  4:26.682 (32.726)
  4 Johnson, Davey            12 Luray                  4:29.05    5   
        32.122 (32.122)  1:05.124 (33.002)  1:38.446 (33.322)  2:13.642 (35.196)
      2:48.373 (34.731)  3:22.041 (33.668)  3:55.333 (33.292)  4:29.046 (33.713)
  5 Hamilton, Bradley         10 Nottoway               4:36.40    4   
        30.752 (30.752)  1:03.461 (32.709)  1:37.602 (34.141)  2:13.358 (35.756)
      2:49.076 (35.718)  3:24.878 (35.802)  4:01.225 (36.347)  4:36.394 (35.169)
  6 Kite, Asher               11 Page County            4:39.87    3   
        32.552 (32.552)  1:05.632 (33.080)  1:39.251 (33.619)  2:14.300 (35.049)
      2:50.796 (36.496)  3:28.104 (37.308)  4:05.065 (36.961)  4:39.868 (34.803)
  7 Davis, Tyler              11 Glenvar High           4:40.79    2   
        33.079 (33.079)  1:06.710 (33.631)  1:41.388 (34.678)  2:16.811 (35.423)
      2:53.172 (36.361)  3:30.284 (37.112)  4:06.943 (36.659)  4:40.784 (33.841)
  8 Young, Drake              11 Tazewell               4:41.82    1   
        33.100 (33.100)  1:06.412 (33.312)  1:40.609 (34.197)  2:16.117 (35.508)
      2:52.915 (36.798)  3:30.026 (37.111)  4:06.250 (36.224)  4:41.815 (35.565)
  9 Arney, Ty                  9 Wise Central           5:05.51  
        34.374 (34.374)  1:10.263 (35.889)  1:48.123 (37.860)  2:27.201 (39.078)
      3:07.350 (40.149)  3:48.708 (41.358)  4:28.254 (39.546)  5:05.503 (37.249)
 10 Staples, Jaxon            10 Page County            5:09.37  
        34.589 (34.589)  1:10.875 (36.286)  1:50.363 (39.488)  2:31.770 (41.407)
      3:15.577 (43.807)  3:57.901 (42.324)  4:37.788 (39.887)  5:09.365 (31.577)
 11 Hogan, Darius             11 John Marshal           5:09.57  
        33.634 (33.634)  1:07.238 (33.604)  1:43.226 (35.988)  2:21.847 (38.621)
      3:04.526 (42.679)  3:47.578 (43.052)  4:31.782 (44.204)  5:09.568 (37.786)
Boys 3200 Meter Run Class 2
        Meet: M 9:39.35  2024        Kovyk Chandler, Parry McCluer             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Erchull, Mason            12 Floyd County           9:48.23   10   
        34.664 (34.664)  1:12.966 (38.302)  1:48.868 (35.903)  2:25.198 (36.330)
      3:02.153 (36.955)  3:38.777 (36.624)  4:15.591 (36.814)  4:53.367 (37.777)
      5:31.413 (38.047)  6:09.427 (38.014)  6:47.132 (37.705)  7:25.353 (38.222)
      8:04.372 (39.019)  8:40.482 (36.110)  9:14.956 (34.474)  9:48.223 (33.268)
  2 Wines, Jacob              11 Poquoson               9:50.31    8   
        34.953 (34.953)  1:13.219 (38.267)  1:49.747 (36.528)  2:26.486 (36.739)
      3:03.387 (36.902)  3:40.359 (36.973)  4:16.526 (36.167)  4:53.887 (37.362)
      5:31.667 (37.780)  6:09.678 (38.012)  6:47.313 (37.635)  7:25.508 (38.195)
      8:04.019 (38.512)  8:40.772 (36.753)  9:15.341 (34.569)  9:50.303 (34.963)
  3 Blosser, Parker           12 Fort Defianc           9:53.43    6   
        35.092 (35.092)  1:13.279 (38.188)  1:49.922 (36.643)  2:26.241 (36.319)
      3:03.113 (36.873)  3:40.097 (36.984)  4:16.871 (36.774)  4:54.053 (37.183)
      5:32.489 (38.437)  6:10.002 (37.513)  6:47.687 (37.685)  7:26.022 (38.335)
      8:03.859 (37.838)  8:41.231 (37.372)  9:18.088 (36.858)  9:53.421 (35.333)
  4 Beegle, Quinlan           12 Floyd County          10:00.80    5   
        34.642 (34.642)  1:13.223 (38.582)  1:49.341 (36.118)  2:25.579 (36.239)
      3:02.454 (36.875)  3:39.281 (36.827)  4:16.054 (36.774)  4:53.804 (37.750)
      5:32.176 (38.372)  6:10.517 (38.342)  6:48.604 (38.088)  7:28.628 (40.024)
      8:07.684 (39.057)  8:46.769 (39.085)  9:25.541 (38.772) 10:00.799 (35.259)
  5 Hensley, Aaron            11 Page County           10:01.08    4   
        34.577 (34.577)  1:12.858 (38.282)  1:49.577 (36.719)  2:25.873 (36.297)
      3:02.791 (36.918)  3:39.838 (37.048)  4:17.222 (37.384)  4:54.726 (37.504)
      5:32.886 (38.160)  6:11.927 (39.042)  6:50.962 (39.035)  7:30.358 (39.397)
      8:10.257 (39.899)  8:50.273 (40.017)  9:28.496 (38.223) 10:01.078 (32.583)
  6 Johnson, Davey            12 Luray                 10:07.97    3   
        34.843 (34.843)  1:13.431 (38.588)  1:50.272 (36.842)  2:26.954 (36.683)
      3:03.803 (36.849)  3:40.883 (37.080)  4:18.447 (37.564)  4:56.653 (38.207)
      5:35.131 (38.478)  6:14.238 (39.108)  6:54.102 (39.864)  7:34.119 (40.018)
      8:14.199 (40.080)  8:53.528 (39.329)  9:32.169 (38.642) 10:07.968 (35.799)
  7 Owens, Landon             12 Poquoson              10:17.68    2   
        35.351 (35.351)  1:13.093 (37.743)  1:49.977 (36.884)  2:26.617 (36.640)
      3:03.461 (36.844)  3:41.211 (37.750)  4:19.318 (38.108)  4:58.299 (38.982)
      5:37.726 (39.427)  6:17.526 (39.800)  6:58.264 (40.739)  7:39.374 (41.110)
      8:20.947 (41.573)  9:02.169 (41.223)  9:41.576 (39.407) 10:17.676 (36.100)
  8 Davis, Tyler              11 Glenvar High          10:20.66    1   
        35.582 (35.582)  1:13.929 (38.348)  1:50.637 (36.708)  2:28.199 (37.563)
      3:04.794 (36.595)  3:42.518 (37.724)  4:21.302 (38.784)  4:59.862 (38.560)
      5:39.773 (39.912)  6:20.378 (40.605)  7:01.496 (41.118)  7:42.179 (40.684)
      8:22.638 (40.459)  9:03.597 (40.959)  9:43.133 (39.537) 10:20.652 (37.519)
  9 Martin, Hunter            10 Patrick Coun          10:24.63  
        35.208 (35.208)  1:13.693 (38.485)  1:50.392 (36.699)  2:27.232 (36.840)
      3:04.211 (36.979)  3:41.817 (37.607)  4:20.443 (38.627)  4:59.441 (38.998)
      5:39.474 (40.034)  6:20.568 (41.094)  7:02.596 (42.028)  7:44.133 (41.538)
      8:25.844 (41.712)  9:08.091 (42.247)  9:48.444 (40.354) 10:24.629 (36.185)
 10 Bruzzo-Morello, Domenico  12 Marion                10:33.05  
        35.248 (35.248)  1:13.468 (38.220)  1:50.197 (36.729)  2:27.612 (37.415)
      3:05.158 (37.547)  3:43.904 (38.747)  4:23.696 (39.792)  5:04.769 (41.074)
      5:46.061 (41.292)  6:27.079 (41.019)  7:09.584 (42.505)  7:51.078 (41.494)
      8:33.198 (42.120)  9:13.814 (40.617)  9:55.081 (41.267) 10:33.048 (37.968)
 11 Smith, Aldin              11 Glenvar High          10:35.59  
        34.859 (34.859)  1:14.718 (39.859)  1:53.332 (38.614)  2:31.422 (38.090)
      3:11.443 (40.022)  3:51.849 (40.407)  4:32.644 (40.795)  5:13.276 (40.632)
      5:54.072 (40.797)  6:35.852 (41.780)  7:18.183 (42.332)  8:00.488 (42.305)
      8:42.671 (42.183)  9:23.182 (40.512) 10:01.444 (38.263) 10:35.583 (34.139)
 12 Lewis, Trace              10 Floyd County          10:37.86  
        35.759 (35.759)  1:15.014 (39.255)  1:53.412 (38.398)  2:31.814 (38.403)
      3:11.721 (39.907)  3:52.053 (40.333)  4:32.958 (40.905)  5:13.214 (40.257)
      5:54.158 (40.944)  6:34.123 (39.965)  7:14.856 (40.733)  7:55.814 (40.959)
      8:38.092 (42.278)  9:19.423 (41.332) 10:00.299 (40.877) 10:37.857 (37.558)
 13 Bright, Aiden             11 Union High S          10:56.68  
        35.291 (35.291)  1:15.129 (39.839)  1:54.149 (39.020)  2:32.716 (38.567)
      3:12.753 (40.038)  3:53.253 (40.500)  4:36.178 (42.925)  5:17.617 (41.439)
      5:59.572 (41.955)  6:41.706 (42.134)  7:24.758 (43.053)  8:07.814 (43.057)
      8:52.263 (44.449)  9:35.282 (43.019) 10:18.257 (42.975) 10:56.677 (38.420)
 14 Johnson, Lucas            10 Bruton                11:39.98  
        35.979 (35.979)  1:14.856 (38.877)  1:54.889 (40.034)  2:35.878 (40.989)
      3:18.198 (42.320)  4:01.891 (43.693)  4:46.498 (44.608)  5:32.356 (45.858)
      6:18.457 (46.102)  7:05.099 (46.643)  7:52.303 (47.204)  8:39.528 (47.225)
      9:26.383 (46.855) 10:12.904 (46.522) 10:58.799 (45.895) 11:39.978 (41.179)
 15 Shortt, Patton            12 Wise Central          11:41.07  
        35.461 (35.461)  1:13.889 (38.429)  1:48.789 (34.900)  2:27.911 (39.122)
      3:08.577 (40.667)  3:52.193 (43.617)  4:36.839 (44.647)  5:22.333 (45.494)
      6:09.413 (47.080)  6:57.658 (48.245)  7:46.032 (48.374)  8:34.613 (48.582)
      9:23.912 (49.299) 10:12.882 (48.970) 10:58.759 (45.878) 11:41.069 (42.310)
 16 Welch, Liam               10 Fort Defianc          11:59.98  
        36.151 (36.151)  1:15.516 (39.365)  1:57.102 (41.587)  2:39.668 (42.567)
      3:23.808 (44.140)  4:10.011 (46.203)  4:55.443 (45.433)  5:41.539 (46.097)
      6:28.276 (46.737)  7:15.446 (47.170)  8:03.574 (48.129)  8:52.158 (48.584)
      9:41.292 (49.134) 10:30.309 (49.018) 11:18.251 (47.942) 11:59.976 (41.725)
 17 Stephens, Riley            9 Bruton                12:04.02  
        35.896 (35.896)  1:15.466 (39.570)  1:56.157 (40.692)  2:38.584 (42.428)
      3:22.197 (43.613)  4:07.217 (45.020)  4:53.103 (45.887)  5:39.903 (46.800)
      6:27.988 (48.085)  7:16.377 (48.389)  8:05.044 (48.668)  8:53.568 (48.524)
      9:42.634 (49.067) 10:31.452 (48.818) 11:19.149 (47.698) 12:04.016 (44.867)
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Class 2
        Meet: M  7.50  2015        Dajuan Seward, Brunswick High               
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Marcinek, Quinn           12 Bruton                    7.61Q  3 
  2 Loder, Joey               11 Glenvar High              7.76Q  1 
  3 Pettit, Braxton           10 Page County               8.08Q  2 
  4 Moore, Derrick            11 Stuarts Draf              8.09q  2  8.082
  5 McLaughlin, Jeffrey       12 Fort Defianc              8.09q  1  8.087
  6 Farrow, James             12 Luray                     8.27q  3 
  7 Arends, Johan             12 Bruton                    8.42q  3 
  8 Castonguay, Simeon        12 John S. Batt              8.49q  1  8.485
  9 O'Quinn, Ryan             11 Ridgeview Hi              8.49   2  8.490
 10 Walker, DeAlonzo          12 Prince Edwar              8.57   1 
 11 Harvey, Tre'Andreas       12 Prince Edwar              8.62   3 
 12 Krantz, Ethan             11 Floyd County              8.64   2  8.636
 13 Johnson, Matthew          10 Glenvar High              8.64   1  8.640
 14 Holmes, Andrew            12 Lee                       8.78   3 
 15 Lee, Daniel               11 Marion                    8.95   2 
 16 Johnson, Adam             12 Madison Coun              8.96   3 
 17 Deel, Braxton              9 Ridgeview Hi              9.12   3 
 18 Gee, Marcel               12 John Marshal              9.19   1 
 19 DeMay, Dillon             10 Poquoson                 29.45   2 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles Class 2
        Meet: M  7.50  2015        Dajuan Seward, Brunswick High               
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Marcinek, Quinn           12 Bruton                    7.65   10   
  2 Loder, Joey               11 Glenvar High              7.86    8   
  3 Moore, Derrick            11 Stuarts Draf              8.00    6   
  4 Pettit, Braxton           10 Page County               8.11    5   
  5 Farrow, James             12 Luray                     8.14    4   
  6 McLaughlin, Jeffrey       12 Fort Defianc              8.18    3   
  7 Arends, Johan             12 Bruton                    8.33    2   
  8 Castonguay, Simeon        12 John S. Batt              8.59    1   
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Class 2
        Meet: M 1:33.25              , Glenvar HS                              
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Stuarts Draft  'A'                                  1:33.82   3  10   
     1) Anthony, Katrell 12             2) Smith, Dashea 12               
     3) Graber, Landon 12               4) Moats, Christian 12            
        46.777 (46.777)  1:10.556 (23.779)  1:33.813 (23.257)
  2 Lee  'A'                                            1:34.06   3   8   
     1) Early, Konner 11                2) Pendergraft, Karder 9          
     3) Grace, Owen 12                  4) May, Stephen 12                
        47.901 (47.901)  1:10.886 (22.985)  1:34.054 (23.168)
  3 Liberty (Bedford)  'A'                              1:34.75   3   6   
     1) Jones, Charles 12               2) Jones, Xavier 10               
     3) Nichols, Owen 11                4) Dawson, Keondre 12             
        48.392 (48.392)  1:11.783 (23.391)  1:34.747 (22.964)
  4 Union High School  'A'                              1:35.07   1   5   
     1) Phillips, Cayden 12             2) Jones, Rayvon 10               
     3) Potter, Abe 9                   4) Potter, Quinton 9              
        47.256 (47.256)  1:11.072 (23.816)  1:35.064 (23.992)
  5 John Marshall  'A'                                  1:35.52   1   4    1:35.513
     1) Williams, Immanuel 12           2) Williams, Brandon 11           
     3) Franklin, Sterling 11           4) Blackburn, Kingston 11         
        47.284 (47.284)  1:11.972 (24.688)  1:35.513 (23.541)
  6 Poquoson  'A'                                       1:35.52   3   3    1:35.517
     1) Cupp, Owen 11                   2) Power, Lucas 11                
     3) Hinson, Nolan 12                4) Markley, Lucas 12              
        48.247 (48.247)  1:12.549 (24.302)  1:35.517 (22.968)
  7 Appomattox County High School  'A'                  1:36.52   1   2   
     1) Moseley, Xavier 10              2) Bruno, Gabriel 12              
     3) Jones, Zymarious 10             4) Ferguson, Ji 10                
        48.043 (48.043)  1:13.223 (25.180)  1:36.517 (23.294)
  8 Nelson County  'A'                                  1:36.75   2   1   
     1) Williams, Sterling 11           2) Butler, Dylan 10               
     3) Shannon, Matthew 12             4) Baker, Colton 12               
        48.079 (48.079)  1:13.248 (25.169)  1:36.746 (23.498)
  9 Riverheads  'A'                                     1:37.62   2 
     1) Fitzgerald, Jackson 10          2) Shiflett, Skyler 10            
     3) Edwards, Kendal 10              4) Sirico, Gian 12                
        48.643 (48.643)  1:14.410 (25.767)  1:37.612 (23.202)
 10 Fort Defiance  'A'                                  1:37.88   2 
     1) Wright, Carson 12               2) Nicely, Landon 10              
     3) Supko, Cole 9                   4) McLaughlin, Jeffrey 12         
        48.414 (48.414)  1:14.141 (25.727)  1:37.874 (23.733)
 11 Buckingham County  'A'                              1:37.93   1 
     1) Bolden, Jayshawn 11             2) Tyree, Maurice 12              
     3) Holman, Te'Rion 12              4) Walter, Ethan 12               
        47.977 (47.977)  1:12.198 (24.221)  1:37.927 (25.729)
 12 Ridgeview High School  'A'                          1:38.63   1 
     1) Yates, Landon 9                 2) Deel, Jaalan 11                
     3) Deel, Braxton 9                 4) Baker, Hayden 12               
        50.151 (50.151)  1:15.377 (25.226)  1:38.622 (23.245)
 -- Bruton  'A'                                              DQ   2  Out of zone.
     1) Askew, Johnie 11                2) Muller, William 11             
     3) Bridges, Jordan 12              4) Marcinek, Quinn 12             
        46.759 (46.759)  1:10.331 (23.572)  1:34.311 (23.980)
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Class 2
        Meet: M 3:29.88              , Glenvar HS                              
    School                                               Finals  H# Points
  1 Liberty (Bedford)  'A'                              3:34.29   2  10   
     1) Marques, Tyler 10               2) Dooley, Landon 11              
     3) Nichols, Owen 11                4) Dawson, Keondre 12             
        54.453 (54.453)  1:49.821 (55.368)  2:42.398 (52.577)  3:34.284 (51.886)
  2 Bruton  'A'                                         3:38.33   2   8   
     1) Bridges, Jordan 12              2) Marcinek, Quinn 12             
     3) Guerreiro, Nathan 12            4) Gallegos, Josiah 12            
        53.788 (53.788)  1:48.658 (54.870)  2:45.137 (56.479)  3:38.330 (53.193)
  3 Stuarts Draft  'A'                                  3:38.42   2   6   
     1) Smith, Dashea 12                2) Graber, Landon 12              
     3) Anthony, Katrell 12             4) Obaugh, Tyler 12               
        56.966 (56.966)  1:52.870 (55.904)  2:45.975 (53.105)  3:38.414 (52.439)
  4 Poquoson  'A'                                       3:40.44   2   5   
     1) Power, Lucas 11                 2) Hinson, Nolan 12               
     3) DeMay, Dillon 10                4) Cupp, Owen 11                  
        54.743 (54.743)  1:50.508 (55.765)  2:45.762 (55.254)  3:40.439 (54.677)
  5 Lee  'A'                                            3:41.38   2   4   
     1) Early, Konner 11                2) Stafford, Elijah 10            
     3) May, Stephen 12                 4) Grace, Owen 12                 
        55.984 (55.984)  1:52.258 (56.274)  2:47.304 (55.046)  3:41.376 (54.072)
  6 Floyd County  'A'                                   3:43.13   2   3   
     1) Krantz, Ethan 11                2) Harris, Max 11                 
     3) Hajek, John 10                  4) Keith, Drew 10                 
        56.423 (56.423)  1:51.825 (55.402)  2:48.061 (56.236)  3:43.128 (55.067)
  7 John Marshall  'A'                                  3:43.84   1   2   
     1) Williams, Brandon 11            2) Goode, Labron 12               
     3) Gee, Marcel 12                  4) Harris, Zashawn 11             
        55.030 (55.030)  1:51.517 (56.487)  2:48.554 (57.038)  3:43.835 (55.282)
  8 Riverheads  'A'                                     3:43.88   1   1   
     1) Jarvis, Cy 10                   2) Stewart, Colton 11             
     3) Robertson, Jaden 12             4) Fitzgerald, Ethan 12           
        54.990 (54.990)  1:50.885 (55.895)  2:48.672 (57.787)  3:43.878 (55.207)
  9 Buckingham County  'A'                              3:50.26   1 
     1) Ragland, Trenton 10             2) Bolden, Jayshawn 11            
     3) Holman, Te'Rion 12              4) Tyree, Maurice 12              
        59.278 (59.278)  1:58.843 (59.565)  2:55.767 (56.924)  3:50.259 (54.493)
 10 Glenvar High School  'A'                            3:53.36   1 
     1) Howard, Will 9                  2) Faught, Asher 10               
     3) Patel, Mann 11                  4) Malcolm, Harold (Cash 9        
        58.993 (58.993)  1:56.865 (57.873)  2:55.947 (59.082)  3:53.359 (57.413)
 11 Marion  'A'                                         3:58.00   1 
     1) George, Isaac 11                2) Marousek, Josh 12              
     3) Pierce, Tyler 11                4) Wheatley, Elijah 12            
           57.825 (57.825)        2:00.167 (1:02.342)          2:59.918 (59.752)
         3:57.995 (58.078)
 12 Tazewell  'A'                                       4:01.89   1 
     1) Vadola, Jason 12                2) Baker, Ethan 9                 
     3) Greer, Braden 10                4) Noel, Chase 12                 
           56.153 (56.153)        2:01.290 (1:05.138)        3:07.147 (1:05.857)
         4:01.885 (54.739)
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Class 2
        Meet: M 8:16.71              , Bruton                                  
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Floyd County  'A'                                   8:21.38   10   
     1) Erchull, Mason 12               2) Keith, Chase 12                
     3) Hylton, Brayden 11              4) Beegle, Quinlan 12             
       2:05.497 (2:05.497)        4:13.274 (2:07.777)        6:20.738 (2:07.464)
       8:21.378 (2:00.640)
  2 Patrick County  'A'                                 8:31.32    8   
     1) Martin, Fisher 10               2) Martin, Hunter 10              
     3) Hiatt, Noah 11                  4) Terry, Greely 11               
       2:06.944 (2:06.944)        4:11.658 (2:04.714)        6:23.422 (2:11.764)
       8:31.315 (2:07.893)
  3 Wise Central High School  'A'                       8:42.64    6   
     1) Shortt, Patton 12               2) Arney, Ty 9                    
     3) Collie, Luke 12                 4) Kiser, Tyler 12                
       2:12.537 (2:12.537)        4:28.645 (2:16.108)        6:35.044 (2:06.399)
       8:42.637 (2:07.593)
  4 Page County  'A'                                    8:43.82    5   
     1) Hensley, Aaron 11               2) Staples, Jaxon 10              
     3) Bosley, AJ 12                   4) Kite, Asher 11                 
       2:02.746 (2:02.746)        4:21.583 (2:18.837)        6:39.321 (2:17.738)
       8:43.820 (2:04.499)
  5 Riverheads  'A'                                     8:48.58    4   
     1) Jarvis, Cy 10                   2) Stewart, Colton 11             
     3) Fitzgerald, Ethan 12            4) Basurto-Cacho, Jr., Guillermo 1
       2:11.912 (2:11.912)        4:24.678 (2:12.766)        6:36.896 (2:12.218)
       8:48.575 (2:11.679)
  6 Glenvar High School  'A'                            9:03.53    3   
     1) Smith, Aldin 11                 2) Weeks, Casey 10                
     3) Malcolm, Harold (Cash 9         4) Davis, Tyler 11                
       2:16.387 (2:16.387)        4:38.044 (2:21.657)        6:52.729 (2:14.685)
       9:03.525 (2:10.796)
  7 Poquoson  'A'                                       9:04.42    2   
     1) Trant, Timothy 9                2) Owens, Landon 12               
     3) Lee, Sam 11                     4) Wines, Jacob 11                
       2:17.115 (2:17.115)        4:26.954 (2:09.839)        6:58.106 (2:31.152)
       9:04.419 (2:06.313)
  8 Bruton  'A'                                         9:22.56    1   
     1) Rayford, Jayden 9               2) Clapp, Patrick 10              
     3) Brewington, Maverick 9          4) Guerreiro, Nathan 12           
       2:21.054 (2:21.054)        4:44.480 (2:23.426)        7:10.114 (2:25.634)
       9:22.559 (2:12.445)
  9 Stuarts Draft  'A'                                  9:24.67  
     1) Nice, Easton 9                  2) Hoke, Christian 12             
     3) Berry, Matthew 9                4) Berry, Andrew 11               
       2:16.867 (2:16.867)        4:39.230 (2:22.363)        7:04.554 (2:25.324)
       9:24.668 (2:20.114)
 10 Liberty (Bedford)  'A'                              9:26.91  
     1) Cuellar, Juan 10                2) Marques, Tyler 10              
     3) Fuhro, Aiden 12                 4) Dooley, Landon 11              
       2:15.296 (2:15.296)        4:28.959 (2:13.663)        6:53.939 (2:24.980)
       9:26.909 (2:32.970)
 11 John Marshall  'A'                                  9:28.26  
     1) Hogan, Darius 11                2) Moore, Promise 9               
     3) Wingfield, Jeremiah 12          4) Johnson, Omari 12              
       2:19.232 (2:19.232)        4:44.273 (2:25.041)        7:06.424 (2:22.151)
       9:28.255 (2:21.831)
 12 Lee  'A'                                            9:47.99  
     1) Stafford, Elijah 10             2) Hines, Michael 9               
     3) Hall, Camden 10                 4) Weston, Chase 11               
       2:10.066 (2:10.066)        4:43.943 (2:33.877)        7:13.684 (2:29.741)
       9:47.987 (2:34.303)
Boys High Jump Class 2
        Meet: M  6-06  2018        Ryan Jackson, Appomattox County             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Curry, Jayden             12 Bruton                 6-02.00   10   
     5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 6-02 6-04 6-06.25 
        P    P    P    O    O    P   XPP   
  2 Moats, Christian          12 Stuarts Draf           6-00.00    8   
     5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 
       XO    O  XXO    O 
  3 Overby, Nathaniel         10 Bruton                 5-10.00    6   
     5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 
        O    O    O  XXX 
  4 Hobbs, Tyson              12 Glenvar High          J5-10.00    5   
     5-06 5-08 5-10 6-00 
        O   XO   XO  XXX 
  5 Jones, Xavier             10 Liberty (Bed           5-08.00    4   
     5-06 5-08 5-10 
       XO  XXO  XXX 
  6 Butler, Dylan             10 Nelson Count           5-06.00    2.50
     5-06 5-08 5-10 
        O    P  XXX 
  6 Carter, Garren            11 Nelson Count           5-06.00    2.50
     5-06 5-08 
        O  XXX 
  8 Jarvis, Cy                10 Riverheads            J5-06.00    0.33
     5-06 5-08 
       XO  XXX 
  8 Yates, Landon              9 Ridgeview Hi          J5-06.00    0.33
  8 Holmes, Andrew            12 Lee                   J5-06.00    0.33
     5-06 5-08 
       XO  XXX 
 11 Goodman, Christian        11 Appomattox C          J5-06.00  
     5-06 5-08 
      XXO  XXX 
 11 Tabor, Brent              10 Nelson Count          J5-06.00  
     5-06 5-08 
      XXO  XXX 
 11 Krantz, Ethan             11 Floyd County          J5-06.00  
     5-06 5-08 
      XXO  XXX 
 -- Ferguson, Ji              10 Appomattox C                NH  
 -- Pierce, Tyler             11 Marion                      NH  
 -- Williams, Chris           11 Stuarts Draf                NH  
 -- O'Quinn, Ryan             11 Ridgeview Hi                NH  
 -- Harvey, Tre'Andreas       12 Prince Edwar                NH  
 -- Gee, Marcel               12 John Marshal                NH  
Boys Pole Vault Class 2
        Meet: M 14-01  2019        Forest Flynn, Northampton                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 McLaughlin, Jeffrey       12 Fort Defianc          13-06.00   10   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 11-06 12-00 12-06 13-00 13-06 14-00 14-02 
      PPP  PPP  PPP  PPP   PPP   PPP   PPP     O     O   XXO     O   XXO   PPP   XXX 
  2 Fitzgerald, Jackson       10 Riverheads            10-06.00    8   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 11-00 
      PPP  PPP   XO    O     O     O   XXX 
  3 Floyd, Zach               12 Stuarts Draf          10-00.00    6   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 
      PPP  PPP    O    O     O   XXX 
  4 Wright, Carson            12 Fort Defianc         J10-00.00    5   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 10-06 
      PPP  PPP  PPP    O   XXO   XXX 
  5 Parker, Storm             11 Riverheads             9-06.00    4   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 10-00 
      PPP  PPP  XXO   XO   XXX 
  6 Foust, Zach               11 Appomattox C           9-00.00    3   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 9-06 
      PPP  PPP    O  XXX 
  7 Hunter, Lucas              9 Appomattox C           8-06.00    2   
     8-00 8-06 9-00 
        O   XO  XXX 
 -- Watkins, Christopher      12 Stuarts Draf                NH  
Boys Long Jump Class 2
        Meet: M 22-07.50  2015        Dajuan Seward, Brunswick High            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Moseley, Xavier           10 Appomattox C          22-06.50   2  10   
      FOUL  22-06.50  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  21-02.50
  2 Early, Konner             11 Lee                   22-02.50   2   8   
      22-00.75  22-00.25  19-06  22-02.25  22-02.50  22-01.25
  3 Marcinek, Quinn           12 Bruton                21-11.25   2   6   
      FOUL  20-11  21-11.25  20-11.25  21-10.75  19-02
  4 Moats, Christian          12 Stuarts Draf          21-08.25   2   5   
      18-00  19-03.75  21-02.25  20-10.25  21-07.25  21-08.25
  5 Graber, Landon            12 Stuarts Draf          21-07.50   2   4   
      20-06.50  21-02.75  21-07.50  19-08  19-03  21-02.75
  6 Williams, Essiq           10 Radford High          21-05.25   2   3   
      20-04  20-00.50  19-02.50  21-05.25  21-03  FOUL
  7 Witcher, Keyshaun         11 Gretna High           20-09.00   1   2   
      20-09  18-11.50  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  8 Tyree, Maurice            12 Buckingham C          20-07.00   2   1   
      20-07  19-06  FOUL  FOUL  19-04.75  20-05.25
  9 Hobbs, Tyson              12 Glenvar High          20-06.75   2 
      FOUL  20-05.75  20-06.75  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
 10 Moore, Derrick            11 Stuarts Draf          19-09.50   1 
      18-05  19-09.50  19-04.50           
 11 Jones, Xavier             10 Liberty (Bed          19-05.50   2 
      19-05.50  17-04  19-00.50         
 12 Gee, Marcel               12 John Marshal          19-04.75   1 
      18-06  19-04.75  18-09         
 13 Binns, Gavin              11 James River           19-00.00   1 
      19-00  18-11.50  FOUL         
 14 Markley, Lucas            12 Poquoson              18-10.00   1 
      FOUL  18-10  FOUL         
 15 Fitzgerald, Jackson       10 Riverheads            18-09.50   1 
      16-03  FOUL  18-09.50         
 16 Vadola, Jason             12 Tazewell              18-08.25   1 
      18-02  18-08.25  18-05.50         
 17 Smith, Dashea             12 Stuarts Draf          18-06.50   2 
      FOUL  18-06.50  FOUL         
 18 Carter, Garren            11 Nelson Count          18-02.00   1 
      18-02  17-02  FOUL         
 19 Pendergraft, Karder        9 Lee                   17-07.50   1 
      17-07.50  17-04.75  FOUL         
 -- Ferguson, Ji              10 Appomattox C              FOUL   1 
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Boys Triple Jump Class 2
        Meet: M 48-09.50  2015        Dajuan Seward, Brunswick High            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hobbs, Tyson              12 Glenvar High          44-05.00   10   
      43-04.50  43-04.50  44-05  43-05.50  42-05  FOUL
  2 Marcinek, Quinn           12 Bruton                42-04.75    8   
      40-01.50  40-10  42-04.75  42-03.50  FOUL  FOUL
  3 Moore, Derrick            11 Stuarts Draf          42-04.50    6   
      41-07.25  FOUL  39-08.25  39-01  42-01  42-04.50
  4 Moats, Christian          12 Stuarts Draf          42-02.50    5   
      41-07.75  41-11.75  40-10.75  41-03.50  41-03.75  42-02.50
  5 Early, Konner             11 Lee                   41-11.50    4   
      39-04.75  41-01.75  40-00.25  39-11.25  39-03.50  41-11.50
  6 Keith, Drew               10 Floyd County         J41-11.50    3   
      41-11.50  40-00  40-10.75  40-01.75  40-08  40-00.25
  7 Graber, Landon            12 Stuarts Draf          41-10.75    2   
      41-01.75  FOUL  40-10  40-07.75  41-10.75  41-07.25
  8 Harvey, Tre'Andreas       12 Prince Edwar          40-10.00    1   
      40-02  FOUL  FOUL  40-10  39-08.25  FOUL
  9 Smith, Dashea             12 Stuarts Draf          40-00.00  
      FOUL  FOUL  39-01.50  40-00  39-11.50  FOUL
 10 Gee, Marcel               12 John Marshal          38-04.75  
      FOUL  38-02.75  38-04.75         
 11 Tyler, Leo’Nard         10 John Marshal          38-01.50  
      FOUL  FOUL  38-01.50         
 12 Krantz, Ethan             11 Floyd County          37-06.50  
      35-06.75  37-06.50  37-04.50         
 13 Deel, Braxton              9 Ridgeview Hi          36-07.50  
      36-07  36-07.50  36-05         
 -- Moseley, Xavier           10 Appomattox C              FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Boys Shot Put Class 2
        Meet: M 60-02  2024        Reece Rhodes, Lancaster                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Mullins, Ezekiel          12 Richlands             52-06.50   10   
      50-07  FOUL  47-10.25  48-04.75  49-09.50  52-06.50
  2 Graber, Landon            12 Stuarts Draf          50-11.00    8   
      48-11.75  47-06  49-06.25  49-09.50  50-11  FOUL
  3 Alston, Jayden            11 James River           48-09.50    6   
      45-05  47-08  48-09.50  FOUL  44-02.75  44-00.50
  4 Giles, Bryce              10 Nelson Count          48-05.00    5   
      46-05.25  FOUL  48-03  45-08.50  46-10.50  48-05
  5 Miller, Bryce             12 Lee                   47-04.75    4   
      47-04.75  FOUL  44-08.25  FOUL  46-09.25  FOUL
  6 Mooney, Jacob             10 Marion                45-05.50    3   
      44-10  43-10  44-03.50  45-05.50  44-01  FOUL
  7 Graber, Baylor            11 Stuarts Draf          45-03.50    2   
      43-06.50  44-03.50  42-11  44-00  45-03.50  45-01.25
  8 DeMay, Dillon             10 Poquoson              42-04.50    1   
      41-09  FOUL  40-11  40-11  42-04.50  41-01
  9 Porter, De'Avis           12 Madison Coun          40-10.00  
      40-03.50  FOUL  40-06.50  40-10  39-09.25  FOUL
 10 Radford, Phillip          12 Floyd County          38-01.00  
      33-09  FOUL  38-01         
 11 Riley, Nolan              11 Poquoson              37-10.00  
      37-10  37-01  36-11.50         
 -- Hughes, Tyrone            12 Prince Edwar              FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
              Women - Class 1 - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Auburn                      91        2) Brunswick High             78   
    3) Northampton                 58        4) Lancaster                  51   
    5) Galileo High School         40        6) George Wythe (Wytheville)  30   
    7) Eastside High School        27        8) Mathews                    22   
    9) Giles                       21       10) Eastern Montgomery         20   
   11) Cumberland High School      19       12) Rappahannock               16   
   13) Parry McCluer               14       13) Charles City County        14   
   13) Chilhowie                   14       13) Grundy                     14   
   17) Northumberland              13       18) Holston                    12   
   19) William Campbell Combined    8       19) John I. Burton              8   
   21) King & Queen                 6       22) Rapp County                 2   
   22) Patrick Henry (G. Spring)    2       22) Castlewood                  2   
   25) Buffalo Gap                  1                                           
              Women - Class 2 - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Lee                         63        1) Floyd County               63   
    3) Poquoson                    51        4) Appomattox County High Sc  49.50
    5) Fort Defiance               42        6) Glenvar High School        36   
    7) Bruton                      33.50     8) Tazewell                   33   
    8) Prince Edward County High   33       10) Union High School          27   
   11) Stuarts Draft               26       12) John Marshall              21   
   13) Riverheads                  20       14) James River (Buchanan)     16   
   15) Patrick County              14       16) Luray                      12   
   17) Lebanon                      8       18) Martinsville                6   
   19) Ridgeview High School        5       19) Radford High School         5   
   19) Wise Central High School     5       22) Marion                      4   
   23) Buckingham County            3       24) Liberty (Bedford)           2   
                Men - Class 1 - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Lancaster                   82        2) Galileo High School        80   
    3) Auburn                      71.50     4) Rural Retreat              66.50
    5) Parry McCluer               60        6) Mathews                    42.50
    7) Brunswick High              36        8) Eastern Montgomery         23   
    9) Holston                     21        9) Northampton                21   
   11) Patrick Henry (G. Spring)   18.50    12) Grundy                     14   
   13) Chilhowie                    9       14) Cumberland High School      8   
   14) Altavista Combined School    8       16) Middlesex                   7   
   17) Rappahannock                 6       18) Buffalo Gap                 5   
   19) George Wythe (Wytheville)    3       19) Sussex Central              3   
                Men - Class 2 - Team Rankings - 15 Events Scored
    1) Bruton                      80        2) Stuarts Draft              76   
    3) Floyd County                51        4) Glenvar High School        43   
    5) Lee                         35.33     6) Liberty (Bedford)          30   
    7) Fort Defiance               29        8) Appomattox County High Sc  24   
    9) Riverheads                  21.33    10) Poquoson                   21   
   11) Luray                       18       12) Page County                17   
   13) Madison County              14       13) James River (Buchanan)     14   
   15) Radford High School         13       16) Patrick County             12   
   17) John Marshall               11       17) Nelson County              11   
   19) Richlands                   10       19) Wise Central High School   10   
   19) Union High School           10       22) Tazewell                    9   
   22) Nottoway                     9       24) Ridgeview High School       6.33
   25) Marion                       3       26) Gretna High School          2   
   26) Buckingham County            2       28) John S. Battle              1   
   28) Prince Edward County High    1                                           
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